Oh now I see why this race can not be postponed..... :detective Walter, Walter, some people said well when they said TRR always stays TRR or something like that.:duck:
Hello Walter. I know you guys have made schedule long time ago and maybe even changed few dates to suit GT2 World Series races already, still here we are at the last round of GT2WS and we have a clash again. I'm not sure if you guys are doing GT2WS event, maybe if you did you would have already changed the date of SPAM GP, however I, my teammates and probably some other guys in the field (mostly drivers from likes of Vires, Reno, Chris and whoever else) are racing this last round of GT2WS.
We have a lot of fun in CM Storm championship, the last round was really to point out passing and repassing with Tommy number of times thru the race, hell of a thriller. Let's have more of races like this. Postpone the race for a week.
Evo layaouta vicano iako sam mislio nista da ne koristimo, samo hlvc pravila, evo layaouta koji ce nam pomoc da slijedimo hlvc pravila i ne sijecemo sikanu uopce, bar u utrci.
The longest track I had ever driven in any car time and length wise. Very special and number of times I thought boy this is sort of track we need for 24h race, perhaps little less hairpins, but you know what I mean.
Grats to franky for coming back thru the field after misfortune that happened to him on start, even it's your only 1st gt1 race. You still manage to impress me sometime.
Might be that, but the set usually gets understeery towards the end... really weird.
hehehe, Imol could learn a thing or two from you.
heheheh, indeed. It's really weird cos the track made divebombs possible in so many places, quite unique. Gotta see the broadcast sometime.
Well you absolutely saved everything better than anyone else would probably in your place, not distracted by lack of fuel, not making mistakes and putting the laps down. Great drive.
The luck served me very well this time, unlike ky3r... still I wonder.
Passing on Blackwood might not be so much of a trouble. Still yeah, good quali is essential to all of us.
Absolutely surprised to take pole position as that is almost reserved for epic Joe.
I gave my absolute best to stay ahead of Joe which worked great until his tires cooled off and after fending off many attacks I had ever so slightly damaged rear toe/camber which was horrible in 3-4 left corners, and as you see I had no chance to pull away any more. Too much race left, we fought hard and fair, very enjoyable even-though I lost the lead there and then. I kept driving as quick as I could in the given situation until little bit of bad luck interfered with slow hairpin curb and my rear left toe/camber went to hell as well then. The car was an oversteery animal from there till the end.
I always knew there was a chance that any of us runs out of fuel, because boy did we push so very hard. Running on fumes I had to go drink some water after the race to believe my eyes, because I didn't see when I passed Joe. xD
Racing with wind is as good/fun as without it and Joe is one crazy madafaker who never gets tired.
All tracks that are coming (relatively new GP tracks) suit Vettel far more than Webber, so it's between Vettel and Alonso from now on. That's what I reckon. Kimi and Lewis are too far off atm, still they'll fight for race wins and yet again, nothing is impossibru as Kimi showed us once.
2nd or 3rd time this happens to him in McLaren, his gearbox needs more Prosting.
Dvije endurance utrke su skracene na klasican 20+35 minuta format, naravno sa rev gridom u drugoj utrci, s tim da ce F1 utrka imati i obavezan odlazak u box.
Ova odluka je donesena iz razloga sto su se rev grid utrke pokazale izuzetno zanimljivima i sto vecina vozaca ne trenira dovoljno da bi se mogla odrzati endurance utrka.
Takodjer, promijenjen je dan utrke, i kao na test utrci, sve naredne utrke do kraja sezone ce se odrzavati utorkom. Iz razloga sto je dosta nogometa utorkom/srijedom.
Termin je bio promijenjen na cetvrtak na pocetku lige kako bi se osiguralo vise vremena za trening, no posto ovo nije potrebno i cak je uzrokovalo probleme, termin je sada prebacen na utorak.
Čestitke Sofketu na prvoj pobjedi u ligi. Zahvaljujuci tome dosta je napredovao u ukupnom poretku i on i SERT, koji je takodjer uzeo timsku pobjedu u ovoj rundi.
Milan, Crni i Vampir su dosta blizu po bodovima sada, a prate ih Sofke i Toni.
Imali smo dva nova vozaca u ovoj rundi, te sada ukupno brojimo 18 ucesnika.
Eto malo statistike. Rezultati i bodovi su objavljeni.
Bravo, bravo srle, to se trazi. Fakat je i meni skocio adrenalin par puta, pogotovo kad sam divebomb dvojicu u zadnjoj tamo bio, a i stobom je bilo situacija isto.
Kakve su predikcije za BF1? Hocemol GP trku, il da napravimo isto ovako sa rev gridom?
Broj i ime vozaca:
Krug i sektor u kome se desio incident:
Vrijeme u reprizi kad se desio incident:
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